Dream vs. Nightmare

The goal of the “Dichotomy Magazine” project from my freshman photoshop class was to create a magazine cover for a fictional magazine. We needed to include two conflicting themes to demonstrate a kind of oxymoron. I chose to do dreams and nightmares.

When I started this, I knew that I wanted to have the top represent dreams. The first dream that I could think of that most people have had is the flying dream. On the bottom I wanted to represent the nightmare as a monster under the bed. I chose to put the subject of the dream/nightmare in the middle to represent who exactly was having the dream/nightmare. I also thought it worked well with the themes that I chose. I then inserted one nightmare quality into the dream section, which is the giant monster, and add a dream quality to the nightmare section, which is the angel wings on the monster under the bed. This was to further emphasize the conflicting themes of this idea.